Friday, November 14, 2008

The Bridge at Adams Crossing

New Bridge for Adams Crossing in Blacklick Township

The photo on the right is the new Adams Crossing Bridge. The new concrete structure replaces the old 1970s era wooden span seen on the left. Though not as rustic and charming as the old bridge, the new $1,000,000 bridge is safer and township officials hope it will encourage some needed commercial and residential development.

Adams Crossing provided entertainment for generations of Blacklick Valley youngsters from Nanty Glo, Belsano, White Mill, Red Mill and points beyond and beween. Years ago, the water under the bridge was deep enough to hande a well-executed dive. If your dives weren't well-executed, you might limp home with a few abrasions, contusions, and maybe a broken nose. Below is an accounting of such an incident by a former Nanty Glo resident.


"I broke my nose the first time diving off that d%@ bridge and even earlier in my youth I won a fishing contest there at that bridge by catching the “smallest fish” of the day. Those were the days, the less complicated days!----Tom Kuftic

A Closing Thought

The inability to act spontaneously, to express what one genuinely feels and thinks, and the resulting necessity to present a pseudo-self to others and one's self, are the root of the feeling of inferiority.----Erich Fromm

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